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Benchmarks & Indices

Empower Your Strategy with Innovative Indices

Benchmark Administration

Find out more about our role as a Benchmark Administrator and our methodologies

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Create new possibilities

The breadth of our data and our rich insights allows for innovative indices to be built and customised. This empowers clients to create new instruments, better track their performance and get exposure to asset classes they otherwise would not be able to, creating a wealth of new possibilities. In addition, we are the first inter-dealer broker to administer over-the-counter benchmarks in the UK and the EU, delivering reliable and robust data, with a published and transparent methodologies, for your processes and workflows.

Maintain a competitive edge

Unique and scarce
Our portfolio of separate and competing brands; ICAP, PVM and Tullett Prebon, delivers an unrivalled view of non-exchange traded securities you will not find elsewhere. This data allows us to offer clients index solutions across a wide range of securities, enabling the creation of a more diverse investment portfolio.
Our high-quality, transparent and independent index solutions are based on a universe of investable building blocks and analytics. This delivers insightful solutions, with applications in risk premia investing, asset liability management and OTC derivatives market benchmarks.
Transparency is key to understanding market opportunity. We bring clarity to what are often seen as opaque and illiquid markets. Access to rich, deep data pools, enable us to offer market participants investible derivative market building blocks based on independent, observable and transparent pricing.
Accurate market forecasts are paramount, having the right forward looking analytics in place allows for better informed decision making. Research has shown that model-free implied volatility has superior predictive power over other commonly used forecasting measures*. We capture model-free spot and forward implied volatility indices in various markets and asset classes, this provides clients with unique insight. *
Track Inflation Swap Returns

Breakeven Inflation Swap Index Family

The Parameta Solutions Breakeven Inflation Swap Indices provide market participants with a family of indices that track the performance of a monthly rolling strategy investing in inflation swaps of different tenors in the following markets: - Euro HICP ex-tobacco (EUX) - UK RPI (UKR) - French CPI ex-tobacco (FRX)

Understand volatility

EUR & GBP Interest Rate Volatility Indices

Providing market participants with a model-free measure of spot-implied volatility in the major interest-rate swap markets. This index is derived from interest rate swaption prices. It consolidates all the volatility information at a specific tenor/expiry into a single measure of implied volatility, delivering an index for each of the 1Y, 5Y and 10Y option expiries on 5Y and 10Y EURIBOR-ESTR and SONIA swap rates. This index may not be used as a benchmark. Please contact us for further information.

Monitor expected USD swap rate volatility

USD Interest Rate Swap Volatility Indices

Providing market participants with a granular and comprehensive view of model-free spot-implied volatility in the U.S. interest-rate swap markets, the indices are derived from USD interest rate swaption prices and are available for each of the 48 most liquid option expiry, swap rate tenor combinations.

See the differentials

Global LNG Basis Indices

As natural gas markets have globalised, the need for hedging tools between regions has increased. We have partnered with General Index to deliver a suite of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) derivatives indices to help clients manage these challenges more effectively. The indices present differentials between the three major natural gas markets. This index is administered by General Index.

measure with confidence

TP ICAP Benchmarks

As a UK FCA authorised and EU ESMA recognised Benchmark Administrator, operational excellence and a strong governance framework are at the heart of our benchmarks. Our current benchmarks include: - EUR Annual Swap Rate SwapMarker15 - EUR 6M EURIBOR Swap - EUREX vs LCH - EUR 6M EURIBOR Swap - CME vs LCH - EUR 3M EURIBOR Swap - CME vs LCH - EUR 3M EURIBOR Swap - EUREX vs LCH - EUR EURIBOR - Annual Bond Swap vs 1M - EUR EURIBOR Basis Swap - 3M vs 6M EURIBOR - EUR EURIBOR Basis Swap - 1M vs 3M EURIBOR - EUR Annual Swap Rate

Markets we cover

We connect clients to a wealth of over-the-counter market data and solutions that cover all major asset classes.

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Energy & Commodities
Equity derivatives
Fixed Income
Foreign Exchange Derivatives
Interest rate derivatives
money markets
Benchmark Administration

Find out more about our role as a Benchmark Administrator and our methodologies

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