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Video podcast on generative AI

Parameta Solutions Invited to Amazon Web Services Innovation Ambassadors Podcast

We discuss generative AI and machine learning models with the Amazon team

Mary Yiannouzis
By Mary Yiannouzis, Marketing DirectorNov 9, 2023
Parameta Solutions Invited to Amazon Web Services Innovation Ambassadors Podcast


On 31st October, two members of the Parameta Solutions team were invited to discuss harnessing the power of Generative AI with the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Team. Chief Governance, Risk & Controls Officer Rushmi Katyal and Senior Data Engineer Jacob Marlow met with Amazon Web Services’ Head of Innovation Transformation and podcast host Sara Armstrong and Prototyping Engineer Patrick O’Connor to discuss how Parameta Solutions has taken advantage of AWS’ technology to harness the power of generative AI to create a chatbot to assist with its vast library of governance and methodology documents. You can listen to the episode on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

These new tools allow us to deliver at pace to satisfy our client needs whilst maintaining our market-leading levels of governance.

Rushmi Katyal

Rushmi Katyal

Chief Governance, Risk & Controls Officer, Parameta Solutions

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